Thursday, February 5, 2009

Multicultural Case Conceptualization 2: Evaluation Criteria

Possible criteria for evaluation of MC case conceptualization ability

0 = no differentiation, no integration, i.e., no indication of ethnic or racial issues in conceptualizing the client's problems.

1= low differentiation, no integration, i.e., one or more references to ethnic or racial issues in the conceptualization of the client's problems, with no connections made between two or more differentiated interpretations.

2= low differentiation, low integration, i.e., one or more references to ethnic or racial issues in the conceptualization of the client's problems, with one connection made between two or more differentiated interpretations.

3 = moderate differentiation, low integration, i.e., two or more references to ethnic or racial issues in the conceptualization of the client's problems, with one connection made between two or more differentiated interpretations.

4= moderate differentiation, moderate integration, i.e., two or more references to ethnic or racial issues in the conceptualization of the client's problems, with two connections made between two or more differentiated interpretations.

5 = high differentiation, high integration, i.e., three or more indications of ethnic or racial issues in conceptualizing the client's problems, with three or more connections made between differentiated interpretations.

The above was excerpted and modifed from:
Constantine, M. G. & Ladany, N. (2000). Self-report multicultural counseling competence scales: Their relation to social desirability attitudes and multicultural case conceptualization ability. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 47(2), 155-164.

NOTE: The original article only specified criteria for ratings of 0, 3, and 5. I tried to get the complete rating but have not heard back from the authors. I decided to add criteria for the other ratings.

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